Online visual archive of Calderdale history, giving access to over 23,000 images, accompanied by supporting historical information. |
Power in the Landscape – our previous project looking at the old water powered mills of the Colden Valley, West Yorkshire |
Todmorden and Walsden website - a glimpse into bygone times of a township on the Lancashire and Yorkshire border through a miscellaneous collection of articles, data and anecdotes. |
Calderdale Companion - a collection of trivia, miscellaneous facts, and some interesting information about Halifax and the Calderdale district of West Yorkshire, England. Excellent website by Malcolm Bull | |
Online archives - non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, films & music. |
All Wiki really but particularly |
Excellent website with information on the textile history of Yorkshire |
Farm in Norfolk which is producing woad commercially once again |
Many excellent resources for schools |
An international programme to conserve the genetic resources of Heriatage sheep breeds | |