1816- 17 Pigot's Commercial Directory
- No mention of fustian or cotton manufacturing. Cotton spinning established.
1822 Directory of the County of York Vol. 1 Baines
pop. 4509
- 6 Cotton Manufacturers (2 were bros, at same address)
- 6 Worsted Manufacturers (2 pairs of ? bros.. At same addresses)
- 1 Fustian Manufacturer (Jas. Shackleton, Wood End)
- NB Capt. Benj Midgley at Stephenson House
- 5 Cotton Mfrs
- 2 Cotton Spinners
Hebden Bridge
- Ashworth John Fustian Mfr. And cutter
- Coates Solomon Mfr.
- Crossley John and Sons Worsted spinners and Mfrs
- Moorhouse Laurence Cotton spinner and Mfr, Midgehole
- Ramsbottom T & J Foster mills
- Shackleton I. Fustian Mfr, Wood End
- Sutcliffe Wm Fustian Mfr, Machpelah
- Gill John Cotton Mfr Hebden Bridge Lanes
- 1 Worsted Mfr
- 2 Cotton Mfrs
- 3 Woollen cord Mfrs
- Described as 8 miles W. of Hx.
- Bent Hamlet and Co (see above) now described as merchants and fustian mfrs
- Bent Hamlet, merchant:house Upper Mytholm
- King James and Co Cotton spinner &calico mfr.
- Whitely John Fustian dyer and finisher
1823 History, Directory & Gazetteer of the County of York Vol. 2 Baines
Hebden Bridge
- 1 Cotton Spinner ( Wright, J)
Hebden Bridge Lanes
- Bent J Cotton spinner, Bankfoot
- Coates, M Fustian Mfr
- Wilson James Fustian Mfr
- 1 Cotton Mfr
- Horsfall J Dimity mfr
- Mallalieu & Platts Warp mfrs Nutclough
1828-29 National Commercial Directory Pigot and Co
- Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers * Manufacturers only
- *Ashworth Wm HB
- *Bancroft Wm Old Town, HB
- Bent James Hstall
- Bent,Son and Barker Mytholm, HB
- *Bury John Slack, HB
- *Coates Solomon Hstall
- *Cousins John Old town, HB
- Crossley John and Sons HB
- Gaukroger Jas and Titus (spinners) Newbridge Hstall
- Gibson Abraham and Sons Greenwood Lee, Hstall
- *Hargreaves George Lane head, Hstall
- *Hodgson James HB
- *Horsfall John Hstall
- Mellalieu and Platt (spinners) Nuttclough (sic)HB
- *Robertshaw William Hstall
- *Shaw Paul Hstall
- *Sunderland John Hstall
- Sutcliffe Gamaliel and Son (spinners) Stonshall (sic)gate, Hstall
- Sutcliffe G (spinner) Stonshall gate Hstall
- Sutcliffe Thomas Hstall
Worsted Manufacturers
- Aked Richard Lee, Hstall
- Crossley John and Sons HB
- Hellowell John Hstall
- Hodgson James Slack, Hstall
- Hodson James HB
- Hodgson Thos Slack, Hstall
- Wade John Mayroyd, HB
- Of 17 shopkeepers & traders listed only 4 are in HB – the rest in Heptonstall
1837 Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire Vol. 1 White
'The cotton trade is also carried on here to a considerable extent, especially around Hebden Bridge and in the other western parts of the parish'
1842 Directory of Yorkshire Pigot
Heptonstall, Hebden Bridge and neighbourhoods
'an ancient village and populous chapelry in the parish of Halifax....The cotton trade prevails in this district to a very considerable extent, and there are some respectable establishments for the manufacture of worsted, but the cotton branch predominates'
'Hebden bridge is a populous manufacturing village, partly in the township of Wadsworth and partly in that of Heptonstall'
'The manufacturing and commercial importance of Hebden Bridge and its immediate neighbourhood is evidenced by the great power employed in the machinery applied to the production of its manufactures. 27 water mills, of the aggregate power of 360 horses, and steam engines of, together, 180 horses, are in continual motion in the cotton and worsted factories, spinning silk, grinding corn etc; exclusive of which a great number of persons are employed at the hand loom.'
Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers
* Manufacturers only
- *Ashworth William HB
- *Barker Thos Hudson mill, HB
- Crossley Jno and Sons HB
- Gaukroger Jas and Titus HB and Lord Holme
- Gill James Bridge Lanes, HB
- Gill Jonthn Bridge Lanes, HB
- *Greenwood Jas Land mill, Stansfield
- *Greenwood John Colden, Hstall
- *Hargreaves George Hstall
- *Hodgson James Stubbing house
- Hodgson James Jumble hall,HB
- Holme and Brothers Foster mill, HB
- Horsfall, John Nutclough,HB
- *Horsfall, Robert, Bridge Lanes, HB
- Horsfall, Slater and Robinson HB
- Horsfall Wm Underbank, HB
- *Ogden Jonathan Blackshaw head
- *Robertshaw William Hstall
- *Rudman Wm Bridge lanes,HB
- *Shackleton James and Sons Wood end, near HB
- *Shaw Paul Hstall
- *Stansfield Thos Staups mill, Stansfield
- Sutcliffe John Midgehole,HB
- Sutcliffe Richard and Thomas Lumb mills, HB
- *Sutcliffe Wm Macpelah (sic) HB
- Whiteley John and Sons (and dyers etc) Calderside, HB
- Wilcock and Crossley Clough mill, Stanfield
Fustian Manufacturers
- Shackleton James and Sons, Wood End
1842 Directory of Leeds and the Clothing District of the West Riding White
pop. 2220
Hebden Bridge
'upwards of 5000 inhabitants'
Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers
* Manufacturers only
- Ashworth Wm Wads
- *Bent James Hstall
- Binns Jph and Son (+silk) Mytholme
- Crossley John and Sons
- Cockcroft Abrm
- *Gill James Bridge Lanes
- Gill Jonathan Bridge Lanes
- Hodgson Wm and Son King StHolmes Wm and Bros. Foster mill
- Horsfall Jno Wood End
- Horsfall, Slater and Robinson Bankfoot
- *Moss John
- *Kershaw Jno HB lane
- Pickles Thos. And Blackburn D
- Shackleton James ans Sons Wood End
- Sutcliffe Wm
- Whitely John and Sons King St
pop. 4791
- 6 Cotton spinners and mfrs.
- 3 Cotton mfrs. Only
- 8 Cotton spinners and mfrs. (1 of which is in Hawksclough)
- 2 Fustian Mfrs. (Cunliffe Hy. and Cunliffe John, both listed at Hawksclough)
- 8 Worsted Mfrs., of which 3 were spinners only, and 1 (John Riley) was at Hawksclough.
pop. 5580
- Greenwood John, fustian dealer – no further address
- Shackleton Jas. and son Fustian mfrs
- plus 1 cotton mfr; 1 stuff mfr. And 1 cotton spinner and mfr.
1853 White’s 'Leeds and the Clothing Districts of Yorkshire' (1969 ed)
pop, 2100, inc. parts of HB and M'royd
Hebden Bridge
pop. 6000
'extensive cotton mills' 'a large village, mostly in Wadsworth and partly in Erringden and Heptonstall townships'
- Gaukroger James and Titus, (Slater and Gaukroger) Err. - business not specified but see below
- Holmes Jph Cotton spinner
- Horsfall Wm Cotton spinner, Bankfoot, HB
- Robinson Abm Cotton spinner, Bankfoot,HB
- Slater Wm – Manufacturer (Slater and Gaukroger), type not specified
- Townsend, Hy fustian dyer etc Hebble End, Err (implies some of the 'cotton' might be fustian)
Cotton spinners and Manufacturers
* Manufacturers only
- *Barker Thos and Wm Hudson Mill
- Bennett Wm Foster mill
- *Binns Bros (silk) Mytholm, Hstall
- Cheetham Jas Hstall
- *Cockcroft Abm
- Crossley John and Sons
- Gaukroger Jas and Sons Hstall
- *Gill Joseph Hstall
- Gill Richard Hstall
- *Greenwood John and Henry
- Hodgson James hstall
- Holme Wm and brothers Hstall
- Horsfall Hy
- Horsfall and Robinson Hstall
- *Shackleton Jas and Sons (NB listed in 1842 Pigot as fustian mfr)
- Slater and Gaukroger
- Sutcliffe John and Son Hstall
- Whiteley John
pop. 4500
- Gaukroger Titus and Son, cotton spinner and mfr, Upper Lumb mills
- Horsfall John, cotton spinner and mfr
pop. 5300
- Mitchell Henry Worsted Mfr.
- Shackleton James and Sons Fustian Manufacturers (NB this must either have been because their residence was in Wadsworth or they had an additional site to Wood End)
- Greenwood James Fustian Cutter, Hawksclough
- 6 Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers (2 in Wads.; 3 in Err. 1 in Hawksclough)
- 4 Fustian Mfrs.
- Cunliffe Henry Hawksclough
- Cunliffe Thos. Hawksclough
- Hinchcliffe W & G Err. But note that they were also listed as one of the cotton spinners/mfrs counted above
- Rushworth Radley & Son Sowerby
1861 Kelly's P.O. Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire
In the townships of Erringden, Heptonstall, Stansfield and Wadsworth – total pop. In 1861 of 17,590, of which 3000 were in the ecclesiastical district of HB.
'extensive cotton factories'; 'cotton twist, calicoes, satteens, fustians, ginghams and checks are the staple productions'(p.332)
Fustian Businesses
- Barker Thomas Fustian Mfr, Hangingroyd
- Barker William Dyer & Mfr of Fustian
- Cheetham Betty & Son Fustian Finishers
- Cockcroft Abraham Fustian Mfr
- Gill Joseph Mfr of Fustians
- Horsfall William Fustian Mfr
- Moss John Fustian Cutter
- Shackleton James & Sons Fustian & Cord Mfrs and merchants
- Wade Benjamin Dyer & finisher of fustians, velveteens, cords etc
- Whiteley John & Co Cotton spinner and fustian mfr, Calderdale mills and at Stansfield
Silk Spinner
- Binns Bros, Mytholm & Stansfield
Cotton Mfrs
- Clay, Barker and Cockcroft, Hangingroyd mill
- Fielding and Sutcliffe
- Hoyle James, Prospect mill, Old Town
- Wilson John and Co , Hangingroyd mill
Cotton & Worsted Mfr
- Crossley David Jones
Cotton spinners, mfrs & merchants
- Crossley John & Sons, HB mills & Mancs
Cotton spinner & Mfr
- Robinson and Son, Salem and Bankfoot mills
Cotton spinners
- Holme William and Brothers, Lee mill
- Horsfall William and Henry, Waterside mill
- Horsfall William and Son, Foster mill
- Horsfall Henry, Nutclough mill
- Horsfall John,jun, Lumb
- Hoyle James and John, Acre mill
- 1 Cotton spinner & doubler (Lumb, William and Co)
- 1 Cotton spinner & corn miller (Murgatroyd Champion)
- 1 Cotton spinner, dyer & finisher (Platt Benjamin & sons, exors.of, Midgehole)
Note also:
- Greenwood Joseph & Co Co-operative stores
- Hebden Bridge Cotton and Commercial co. (James Bottomley, sec)
- Hawksclough is listed as being in HB
- Rushworth Ratcliffe & Son post office, linen draper & fustian mfr
- 1 Worsted mfr
- 1 Woollen mfr
- Some cotton mfrs
- Cunliffe Thomas & son Fustian mfrs, Hawksclough & at 18 Lawrence Lane, London
- Ellison, George Fustian mfr, Hawksclough
- Greenwood James Fustian Cutter & draper, Hawksclough
- Horsfall John & sons Cotton spinners &mfrs, Hawksclough
- Hoyle Jas & Jno Cotton Spinners, Acre mill (already listed under HB)
- Hoyle James Cotton mfr, Prospect mill (already listed under HB)
- Wilcock John & sons Cotton mfrs, Beckett (sic) Well mills
1867 Kelly's P.O. Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire
1861 pop. in 4 townships 17,590 of which 3385 in eccl. district of HB (slightly different fig to previous directory)
Hebden Bridge
- Barker Thomas & sons, dyers & fustian mfrs, Hanging royal (sic)
- Barker Wm, dyer & finisher, Wood Top
- Barker William, dyer & fustian mfr
- Cheetham James, fustian mfr
- Cockcroft Abraham, fustian mfr
- Gill Joseph, fustian mfr
- Horsfall Benjamin Milton, fustian mfr
- Horsfall James Edward, fustian mfr
- King & Ogden, fustian mfrs
- Shackleton James & sons, fustian mfrs
- 1 silk spinner (Binns)
- 5 Cotton mfrs (inc. Crossley, David James & Horsfall Bros, at Royd Mill)
- 7 Cotton spinners (inc several Horsfalls at Nutclough, Foster & Waterside mills)
- 4 Cotton spinners and mfrs (Hoyle, James at Acre & Prospect mills; Horsfall William at Albert mill & Horsfall William at Winters mill, possibly the same Horsfall; Robinson Abraham & sons, Salem & Bankfoot mills)
- 1 Cotton spinner & doubler
- 1 Cotton spinner & corn miller
- 2 Dyers & finishers
- Also
- Hebden Bridge Cotton & Commercial Co, cotton spinners, Calder Mill (James Johnson, sec and manager)
- Pop. In 1861: 4141
- Only Hoyles listed (see above)
- Pop. In 1861: 3497
- Colden Cotton Co. Ltd – Cotton spinners (William Mitchell Sutcliffe, Sec)
- Gaukroger & Shackleton, Cotton Spinners
- Gibson Bros. Cotton & worsted mrfs
- Horsfall John Jn Cotton Spinners
- Witham Young Fustian Mfr
- Pop, in 1861: 1764
- 2 Cotton Spinners
- 1 Cotton Spinner& Mfr (Hinchcliffes)
- pop. In 1861: 8168 (inc parts of Todmorden)
- Gill William Fustian Mfr (Underbank)
- Hodgson Joseph Fustian dyer (Jumble Hole)
- Whiteley John Cotton spinner & fustian mfr. Calderside
- 6 Cotton Spinners & mrfs
- 1 Silk Spinner (Binns)
- 6 Cotton mfrs
- 1 Farmer & Cotton mfr
- 1 Cotton spinner
- pop. In 1861: 3063
- Cunliffe Thomas & son Fustian mfr, Hawksclough
- Greenwood James Fustian cutter & draper, Hawksclough
- 3 Cotton mfr
- 2 Cotton spinners
- 1 Cotton spinner & mfr (Horsfall, John & sons, Hawksclough and Calder Mill, HB)
- 1 Worsted spinner
- 1 Woollen mfr
1877 Kelly's Post Office Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire
pop. 1871 1724
'Cotton spinning extensively carried on here'.
- No mention of fustian.
Hebden Bridge
- 1871 pop in eccl parish 3666
- 'cotton twist, calicoes, satteens, fustians,ginghams and checks are the staple productions'
- Commercial – Fustian related.
- Barker Wm Dyer & finisher, Wood Top
- Barker Wm Dyer & Fustian mfr
- Cheetham James Fustian mfr
- Cockcroft Abraham Fustian mfr
- Gill Jeremiah Fustian mfr
- Hebden Bridge Fustian Manufacturing Co-operative Society Ltd , Fustian mfrs. Nutclough ( Joseph Greenwood, manager)
- Horsfall John & William Henry Fustian mfrs, Machpelah
- King & Ogden Fustian mfrs & Mancs
- Moss Bros. Fustian mfrs. Hebble End & Mancs
- Shackleton Jas & Sons Fustian mfrs & Mancs
- Stansfield Jonathan Fustian mfr & Mancs
- Sutcliffe & Crossley, Fustian mfrs, Hanging Royd shed & Mancs
- Sutcliffe & Greenwood, Fustian mfrs & wholesale clothiers & Mancs
- Wade Thomas Homer Fustian mfr, Hanging Royd Lane & Mancs
- Other textile related names available if needed
- 1 Cotton mfr & warp sizers
- 4 Dyers & Finishers
- 3 Cotton mfrs
- 2 Shuttle makers + 1 Shuttle tongue mfr & whitesmith
- 6 Cotton spinners & mfrs
- 4 Cotton spinners inc HB Cotton & Commercial Co. Calder Mill (Saml. Lumb, sec)
- 1 Cotton spinner & corn miller
- 1 Cotton mfr & waste dealer
- 2 Cotton waste dealers
- 1 Cord & velveteen mfr
- 1 Machinist
- 1 Silk spinner & sewing silk mfr.
- 1 Sewing machine mfr.(Gibson Bros)
- 1 Rag merchant
Wholesale clothiers
(see also above) Drapers/tailors not included
- Crowther J & Co Hanging Royd
- Greenwood Bros. Crown St
- Hilton John & Co Albert St
- Michel Alfred New Rd
1871 pop. Eccl. parish 5397
- 1871 pop 3086
- Cunliffe Thomas & Son Fustian mfr, Hawksclough
- Greenwood James Fustian cutter & draper, Hawksclough
- No other references to fustian
- 1 Wholesale clothier
- 8 Cotton spinners (I also a doubler)
- 3 Cotton mfrs
- 1 Worsted spinner
- 3 Woollen mfrs
- 1 Dyer
- 1871 pop 8977
- Crabtree & Thomas Fustian dyers, Eastwood
- 12 Cotton spinner & mfrs
- 1 Silk (Binns)
- 12 Cotton mfr
- 1 Cotton Spinner
- 3 Dyers and finishers
- 1 Clothier (James Hirst, Lobb Mill)
1871 pop, 4373
- 1 Cotton spinner & mfr (Hoyle & sons)
- 1 Cotton mfr. & farmer
- Listings for Wadsworth now almost entirely farmers, suggesting that industry
- is included under HB
- NB Wm Clark, farmer at Stevenson Hse)
Erringden pop. 1724
- 1 Cotton spinner & doubler
- 1 Cotton spinner &mfr
1893 Kelly's P.O. Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire (Book 1)
Hebden Bridge
- 1891 pop for eccl parish 5746
- Barker William Wholesale clothier, dyer & finisher & fustian mfr
- Cockcroft Abraham Fustian mfr Machpelah
- Collins Bros Fustian Weavers, Hanging Royd shed
- Cook George K Fustian mfr & wholesale clothier, Market St
- Crabtree Wm Fustian cutter, Hebble End
- Crossley Bros. Fustian mfrs Foster Mill
- Crossley Shackleton Fustian cutter Hanging Royd Lane
- Dewhirst & Crossley, Fustian mfr, Hanging Royd Lane
- Eastwood Bros. Fustian mfrs Albert St
- Gill Wm Fustian mfr Salem mill
- Greenwood Thomas & Co Fustian mfrs Salem mill
- Greenwood Dan Fustian mfr Bankfoot
- Greenwood Edward Fustian mfr & wholesale clothier, Foster mill
- Greenwood Joseph, Mill manager, Nutclough
- Greenwood Mitchell, Fustian cutter
- Harwood & Shackleton Fustian weavers, Salem mill
- Hebden Bridge Cotton & Commercial Co Ltd cotton spinners (Saml. Lumb sec) Calder Mill
1897 P.O. Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire Vol 1 Kelly
Hebden Bridge
'a civil parish formed in 1896'
- Now an urban district council under 1894 Local Govt. Act, comprises 'parts of the townships of Erringden, Heptonstall, Stansfield and Wadsworth'
- Pop of civil parish in 1891: 6658; of eccl parish 5766
- A Joseph Greenwood was one of the 15 members of the council.
- Fustian related entries
Fustian Manufacturers
* indicates also in Mancs
- *Clay Joseph Hangingroyd lane
- *Cockcroft Abraham Machpelah
- *Cook George K also wholesale clothier Market St
- Crossley and Stell Waterside
- *Dewhirst David Hangingroyd lane
- Eastwood Bros. Albert St
- Gill John Bankfoot
- *Gill William Salem mill
- *Greenwood Thomas & Co Salem mill
- Greenwood Dan Bankfoot
- *Greenwood Edward also wholesale clothier Foster mill
- *HB Fustian Manufacturing Co-Operative, Nutclough (JG mill manager)
- Hopwood & Co Foster mill
- King Mark & Son Mayroyd
- Lord & Ogden Waterside
- Lord Thomas 54 Market St
- Marshall & Crabtree Bros Mayroyd
- Moss Bros. Brunswick St
- Moss Mortimer, Son & Co Crown St
- Ogden & Co Bridgegate
- *Shackleton James & Son Machpelah
- *Shackleton Roger & Co also cord mfr Salem mill
- Stansfield Jonathan Albert St
- *Sutcliffe Richard & Co also wholesale clothier Melbourne Works
- *Sutcliffe John Croft shade
- *Sutcliffe Richard HB
1822 Directory of the County of York Vol. 1 Baines
- Under Todmorden, Stansfield and Langfield are included. No fustian but, under 'Cotton Manufacturers' 2 are in Mytholm (Bent and Co and James King and Co) and one in Upper Mytholm (Hamlet Bent).
- Under 'Cotton Merchants' – Bent and Co and Hamlet Bent
- Under 'Cotton Spinners' – James King and Co
pop. 4509
- 6 Cotton Manufacturers (2 were bros, at same address)
- 6 Worsted Manufacturers (2 pairs of ? bros.. At same addresses)
- 1 Fustian Manufacturer (Jas. Shackleton, Wood End)
- NB Capt. Benj Midgley at Stephenson House
- 5 Cotton Mfrs
- 2 Cotton Spinners
Hebden Bridge
- Ashworth John Fustian Mfr. And cutter
- Coates Solomon Mfr.
- Crossley John and Sons Worsted spinners and Mfrs
- Moorhouse Laurence Cotton spinner and Mfr, Midgehole
- Ramsbottom T & J Foster mills
- Shackleton I. Fustian Mfr, Wood End
- Sutcliffe Wm Fustian Mfr, Machpelah
- Gill John Cotton Mfr Hebden Bridge Lanes
- 1 Worsted Mfr
- 2 Cotton Mfrs
- 3 Woollen cord Mfrs
- Described as 8 miles W. of Hx.
- Bent Hamlet and Co (see above) now described as merchants and fustian mfrs
- Bent Hamlet, merchant:house Upper Mytholm
- King James and Co Cotton spinner &calico mfr.
- Whitely John Fustian dyer and finisher
1823 History, Directory & Gazetteer of the County of York Vol. 2 Baines
Hebden Bridge
- 1 Cotton Spinner ( Wright, J)
Hebden Bridge Lanes
- Bent J Cotton spinner, Bankfoot
- Coates, M Fustian Mfr
- Wilson James Fustian Mfr
- 1 Cotton Mfr
- Horsfall J Dimity mfr
- Mallalieu & Platts Warp mfrs Nutclough
1828-29 National Commercial Directory Pigot and Co
- Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers * Manufacturers only
- *Ashworth Wm HB
- *Bancroft Wm Old Town, HB
- Bent James Hstall
- Bent,Son and Barker Mytholm, HB
- *Bury John Slack, HB
- *Coates Solomon Hstall
- *Cousins John Old town, HB
- Crossley John and Sons HB
- Gaukroger Jas and Titus (spinners) Newbridge Hstall
- Gibson Abraham and Sons Greenwood Lee, Hstall
- *Hargreaves George Lane head, Hstall
- *Hodgson James HB
- *Horsfall John Hstall
- Mellalieu and Platt (spinners) Nuttclough (sic)HB
- *Robertshaw William Hstall
- *Shaw Paul Hstall
- *Sunderland John Hstall
- Sutcliffe Gamaliel and Son (spinners) Stonshall (sic)gate, Hstall
- Sutcliffe G (spinner) Stonshall gate Hstall
- Sutcliffe Thomas Hstall
Worsted Manufacturers
- Aked Richard Lee, Hstall
- Crossley John and Sons HB
- Hellowell John Hstall
- Hodgson James Slack, Hstall
- Hodson James HB
- Hodgson Thos Slack, Hstall
- Wade John Mayroyd, HB
- Of 17 shopkeepers & traders listed only 4 are in HB – the rest in Heptonstall
1837 Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire Vol. 1 White
'The cotton trade is also carried on here to a considerable extent, especially around Hebden Bridge and in the other western parts of the parish'
1842 Directory of Yorkshire Pigot
Heptonstall, Hebden Bridge and neighbourhoods
'an ancient village and populous chapelry in the parish of Halifax....The cotton trade prevails in this district to a very considerable extent, and there are some respectable establishments for the manufacture of worsted, but the cotton branch predominates'
'Hebden bridge is a populous manufacturing village, partly in the township of Wadsworth and partly in that of Heptonstall'
'The manufacturing and commercial importance of Hebden Bridge and its immediate neighbourhood is evidenced by the great power employed in the machinery applied to the production of its manufactures. 27 water mills, of the aggregate power of 360 horses, and steam engines of, together, 180 horses, are in continual motion in the cotton and worsted factories, spinning silk, grinding corn etc; exclusive of which a great number of persons are employed at the hand loom.'
Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers
* Manufacturers only
- *Ashworth William HB
- *Barker Thos Hudson mill, HB
- Crossley Jno and Sons HB
- Gaukroger Jas and Titus HB and Lord Holme
- Gill James Bridge Lanes, HB
- Gill Jonthn Bridge Lanes, HB
- *Greenwood Jas Land mill, Stansfield
- *Greenwood John Colden, Hstall
- *Hargreaves George Hstall
- *Hodgson James Stubbing house
- Hodgson James Jumble hall,HB
- Holme and Brothers Foster mill, HB
- Horsfall, John Nutclough,HB
- *Horsfall, Robert, Bridge Lanes, HB
- Horsfall, Slater and Robinson HB
- Horsfall Wm Underbank, HB
- *Ogden Jonathan Blackshaw head
- *Robertshaw William Hstall
- *Rudman Wm Bridge lanes,HB
- *Shackleton James and Sons Wood end, near HB
- *Shaw Paul Hstall
- *Stansfield Thos Staups mill, Stansfield
- Sutcliffe John Midgehole,HB
- Sutcliffe Richard and Thomas Lumb mills, HB
- *Sutcliffe Wm Macpelah (sic) HB
- Whiteley John and Sons (and dyers etc) Calderside, HB
- Wilcock and Crossley Clough mill, Stanfield
Fustian Manufacturers
- Shackleton James and Sons, Wood End
1842 Directory of Leeds and the Clothing District of the West Riding White
pop. 2220
Hebden Bridge
'upwards of 5000 inhabitants'
Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers
* Manufacturers only
- Ashworth Wm Wads
- *Bent James Hstall
- Binns Jph and Son (+silk) Mytholme
- Crossley John and Sons
- Cockcroft Abrm
- *Gill James Bridge Lanes
- Gill Jonathan Bridge Lanes
- Hodgson Wm and Son King StHolmes Wm and Bros. Foster mill
- Horsfall Jno Wood End
- Horsfall, Slater and Robinson Bankfoot
- *Moss John
- *Kershaw Jno HB lane
- Pickles Thos. And Blackburn D
- Shackleton James ans Sons Wood End
- Sutcliffe Wm
- Whitely John and Sons King St
pop. 4791
- 6 Cotton spinners and mfrs.
- 3 Cotton mfrs. Only
- 8 Cotton spinners and mfrs. (1 of which is in Hawksclough)
- 2 Fustian Mfrs. (Cunliffe Hy. and Cunliffe John, both listed at Hawksclough)
- 8 Worsted Mfrs., of which 3 were spinners only, and 1 (John Riley) was at Hawksclough.
pop. 5580
- Greenwood John, fustian dealer – no further address
- Shackleton Jas. and son Fustian mfrs
- plus 1 cotton mfr; 1 stuff mfr. And 1 cotton spinner and mfr.
1853 White’s 'Leeds and the Clothing Districts of Yorkshire' (1969 ed)
pop, 2100, inc. parts of HB and M'royd
Hebden Bridge
pop. 6000
'extensive cotton mills' 'a large village, mostly in Wadsworth and partly in Erringden and Heptonstall townships'
- Gaukroger James and Titus, (Slater and Gaukroger) Err. - business not specified but see below
- Holmes Jph Cotton spinner
- Horsfall Wm Cotton spinner, Bankfoot, HB
- Robinson Abm Cotton spinner, Bankfoot,HB
- Slater Wm – Manufacturer (Slater and Gaukroger), type not specified
- Townsend, Hy fustian dyer etc Hebble End, Err (implies some of the 'cotton' might be fustian)
Cotton spinners and Manufacturers
* Manufacturers only
- *Barker Thos and Wm Hudson Mill
- Bennett Wm Foster mill
- *Binns Bros (silk) Mytholm, Hstall
- Cheetham Jas Hstall
- *Cockcroft Abm
- Crossley John and Sons
- Gaukroger Jas and Sons Hstall
- *Gill Joseph Hstall
- Gill Richard Hstall
- *Greenwood John and Henry
- Hodgson James hstall
- Holme Wm and brothers Hstall
- Horsfall Hy
- Horsfall and Robinson Hstall
- *Shackleton Jas and Sons (NB listed in 1842 Pigot as fustian mfr)
- Slater and Gaukroger
- Sutcliffe John and Son Hstall
- Whiteley John
pop. 4500
- Gaukroger Titus and Son, cotton spinner and mfr, Upper Lumb mills
- Horsfall John, cotton spinner and mfr
pop. 5300
- Mitchell Henry Worsted Mfr.
- Shackleton James and Sons Fustian Manufacturers (NB this must either have been because their residence was in Wadsworth or they had an additional site to Wood End)
- Greenwood James Fustian Cutter, Hawksclough
- 6 Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers (2 in Wads.; 3 in Err. 1 in Hawksclough)
- 4 Fustian Mfrs.
- Cunliffe Henry Hawksclough
- Cunliffe Thos. Hawksclough
- Hinchcliffe W & G Err. But note that they were also listed as one of the cotton spinners/mfrs counted above
- Rushworth Radley & Son Sowerby
1861 Kelly's P.O. Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire
In the townships of Erringden, Heptonstall, Stansfield and Wadsworth – total pop. In 1861 of 17,590, of which 3000 were in the ecclesiastical district of HB.
'extensive cotton factories'; 'cotton twist, calicoes, satteens, fustians, ginghams and checks are the staple productions'(p.332)
Fustian Businesses
- Barker Thomas Fustian Mfr, Hangingroyd
- Barker William Dyer & Mfr of Fustian
- Cheetham Betty & Son Fustian Finishers
- Cockcroft Abraham Fustian Mfr
- Gill Joseph Mfr of Fustians
- Horsfall William Fustian Mfr
- Moss John Fustian Cutter
- Shackleton James & Sons Fustian & Cord Mfrs and merchants
- Wade Benjamin Dyer & finisher of fustians, velveteens, cords etc
- Whiteley John & Co Cotton spinner and fustian mfr, Calderdale mills and at Stansfield
Silk Spinner
- Binns Bros, Mytholm & Stansfield
Cotton Mfrs
- Clay, Barker and Cockcroft, Hangingroyd mill
- Fielding and Sutcliffe
- Hoyle James, Prospect mill, Old Town
- Wilson John and Co , Hangingroyd mill
Cotton & Worsted Mfr
- Crossley David Jones
Cotton spinners, mfrs & merchants
- Crossley John & Sons, HB mills & Mancs
Cotton spinner & Mfr
- Robinson and Son, Salem and Bankfoot mills
Cotton spinners
- Holme William and Brothers, Lee mill
- Horsfall William and Henry, Waterside mill
- Horsfall William and Son, Foster mill
- Horsfall Henry, Nutclough mill
- Horsfall John,jun, Lumb
- Hoyle James and John, Acre mill
- 1 Cotton spinner & doubler (Lumb, William and Co)
- 1 Cotton spinner & corn miller (Murgatroyd Champion)
- 1 Cotton spinner, dyer & finisher (Platt Benjamin & sons, exors.of, Midgehole)
Note also:
- Greenwood Joseph & Co Co-operative stores
- Hebden Bridge Cotton and Commercial co. (James Bottomley, sec)
- Hawksclough is listed as being in HB
- Rushworth Ratcliffe & Son post office, linen draper & fustian mfr
- 1 Worsted mfr
- 1 Woollen mfr
- Some cotton mfrs
- Cunliffe Thomas & son Fustian mfrs, Hawksclough & at 18 Lawrence Lane, London
- Ellison, George Fustian mfr, Hawksclough
- Greenwood James Fustian Cutter & draper, Hawksclough
- Horsfall John & sons Cotton spinners &mfrs, Hawksclough
- Hoyle Jas & Jno Cotton Spinners, Acre mill (already listed under HB)
- Hoyle James Cotton mfr, Prospect mill (already listed under HB)
- Wilcock John & sons Cotton mfrs, Beckett (sic) Well mills
1867 Kelly's P.O. Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire
1861 pop. in 4 townships 17,590 of which 3385 in eccl. district of HB (slightly different fig to previous directory)
Hebden Bridge
- Barker Thomas & sons, dyers & fustian mfrs, Hanging royal (sic)
- Barker Wm, dyer & finisher, Wood Top
- Barker William, dyer & fustian mfr
- Cheetham James, fustian mfr
- Cockcroft Abraham, fustian mfr
- Gill Joseph, fustian mfr
- Horsfall Benjamin Milton, fustian mfr
- Horsfall James Edward, fustian mfr
- King & Ogden, fustian mfrs
- Shackleton James & sons, fustian mfrs
- 1 silk spinner (Binns)
- 5 Cotton mfrs (inc. Crossley, David James & Horsfall Bros, at Royd Mill)
- 7 Cotton spinners (inc several Horsfalls at Nutclough, Foster & Waterside mills)
- 4 Cotton spinners and mfrs (Hoyle, James at Acre & Prospect mills; Horsfall William at Albert mill & Horsfall William at Winters mill, possibly the same Horsfall; Robinson Abraham & sons, Salem & Bankfoot mills)
- 1 Cotton spinner & doubler
- 1 Cotton spinner & corn miller
- 2 Dyers & finishers
- Also
Hebden Bridge Cotton & Commercial Co, cotton spinners, Calder Mill (James Johnson, sec and manager)
- Pop. In 1861: 4141
- Only Hoyles listed (see above)
- Pop. In 1861: 3497
- Colden Cotton Co. Ltd – Cotton spinners (William Mitchell Sutcliffe, Sec)
- Gaukroger & Shackleton, Cotton Spinners
- Gibson Bros. Cotton & worsted mrfs
- Horsfall John Jn Cotton Spinners
- Witham Young Fustian Mfr
- Pop, in 1861: 1764
- 2 Cotton Spinners
- 1 Cotton Spinner& Mfr (Hinchcliffes)
- pop. In 1861: 8168 (inc parts of Todmorden)
- Gill William Fustian Mfr (Underbank)
- Hodgson Joseph Fustian dyer (Jumble Hole)
- Whiteley John Cotton spinner & fustian mfr. Calderside
- 6 Cotton Spinners & mrfs
- 1 Silk Spinner (Binns)
- 6 Cotton mfrs
- 1 Farmer & Cotton mfr
- 1 Cotton spinner
- pop. In 1861: 3063
- Cunliffe Thomas & son Fustian mfr, Hawksclough
- Greenwood James Fustian cutter & draper, Hawksclough
- 3 Cotton mfr
- 2 Cotton spinners
- 1 Cotton spinner & mfr (Horsfall, John & sons, Hawksclough and Calder Mill, HB)
- 1 Worsted spinner
- 1 Woollen mfr
1877 Kelly's Post Office Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire
pop. 1871 1724
'Cotton spinning extensively carried on here'.
- No mention of fustian.
Hebden Bridge
- 1871 pop in eccl parish 3666
- 'cotton twist, calicoes, satteens, fustians,ginghams and checks are the staple productions'
- Commercial – Fustian related.
- Barker Wm Dyer & finisher, Wood Top
- Barker Wm Dyer & Fustian mfr
- Cheetham James Fustian mfr
- Cockcroft Abraham Fustian mfr
- Gill Jeremiah Fustian mfr
- Hebden Bridge Fustian Manufacturing Co-operative Society Ltd , Fustian mfrs. Nutclough ( Joseph Greenwood, manager)
- Horsfall John & William Henry Fustian mfrs, Machpelah
- King & Ogden Fustian mfrs & Mancs
- Moss Bros. Fustian mfrs. Hebble End & Mancs
- Shackleton Jas & Sons Fustian mfrs & Mancs
- Stansfield Jonathan Fustian mfr & Mancs
- Sutcliffe & Crossley, Fustian mfrs, Hanging Royd shed & Mancs
- Sutcliffe & Greenwood, Fustian mfrs & wholesale clothiers & Mancs
- Wade Thomas Homer Fustian mfr, Hanging Royd Lane & Mancs
- Other textile related names available if needed
- 1 Cotton mfr & warp sizers
- 4 Dyers & Finishers
- 3 Cotton mfrs
- 2 Shuttle makers + 1 Shuttle tongue mfr & whitesmith
- 6 Cotton spinners & mfrs
- 4 Cotton spinners inc HB Cotton & Commercial Co. Calder Mill (Saml. Lumb, sec)
- 1 Cotton spinner & corn miller
- 1 Cotton mfr & waste dealer
- 2 Cotton waste dealers
- 1 Cord & velveteen mfr
- 1 Machinist
- 1 Silk spinner & sewing silk mfr.
- 1 Sewing machine mfr.(Gibson Bros)
- 1 Rag merchant
Wholesale clothiers
(see also above) Drapers/tailors not included
- Crowther J & Co Hanging Royd
- Greenwood Bros. Crown St
- Hilton John & Co Albert St
- Michel Alfred New Rd
1871 pop. Eccl. parish 5397
- 1871 pop 3086
- Cunliffe Thomas & Son Fustian mfr, Hawksclough
- Greenwood James Fustian cutter & draper, Hawksclough
- No other references to fustian
- 1 Wholesale clothier
- 8 Cotton spinners (I also a doubler)
- 3 Cotton mfrs
- 1 Worsted spinner
- 3 Woollen mfrs
- 1 Dyer
- 1871 pop 8977
- Crabtree & Thomas Fustian dyers, Eastwood
- 12 Cotton spinner & mfrs
- 1 Silk (Binns)
- 12 Cotton mfr
- 1 Cotton Spinner
- 3 Dyers and finishers
- 1 Clothier (James Hirst, Lobb Mill)
1871 pop, 4373
- 1 Cotton spinner & mfr (Hoyle & sons)
- 1 Cotton mfr. & farmer
- Listings for Wadsworth now almost entirely farmers, suggesting that industry
- is included under HB
- NB Wm Clark, farmer at Stevenson Hse)
Erringden pop. 1724
- 1 Cotton spinner & doubler
- 1 Cotton spinner &mfr
1893 Kelly's P.O. Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire (Book 1)
Hebden Bridge
- 1891 pop for eccl parish 5746
- Barker William Wholesale clothier, dyer & finisher & fustian mfr
- Cockcroft Abraham Fustian mfr Machpelah
- Collins Bros Fustian Weavers, Hanging Royd shed
- Cook George K Fustian mfr & wholesale clothier, Market St
- Crabtree Wm Fustian cutter, Hebble End
- Crossley Bros. Fustian mfrs Foster Mill
- Crossley Shackleton Fustian cutter Hanging Royd Lane
- Dewhirst & Crossley, Fustian mfr, Hanging Royd Lane
- Eastwood Bros. Fustian mfrs Albert St
- Gill Wm Fustian mfr Salem mill
- Greenwood Thomas & Co Fustian mfrs Salem mill
- Greenwood Dan Fustian mfr Bankfoot
- Greenwood Edward Fustian mfr & wholesale clothier, Foster mill
- Greenwood Joseph, Mill manager, Nutclough
- Greenwood Mitchell, Fustian cutter
- Harwood & Shackleton Fustian weavers, Salem mill
- Hebden Bridge Cotton & Commercial Co Ltd cotton spinners (Saml. Lumb sec) Calder Mill
1897 P.O. Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire Vol 1 Kelly
Hebden Bridge
'a civil parish formed in 1896'
- Now an urban district council under 1894 Local Govt. Act, comprises 'parts of the townships of Erringden, Heptonstall, Stansfield and Wadsworth'
- Pop of civil parish in 1891: 6658; of eccl parish 5766
- A Joseph Greenwood was one of the 15 members of the council.
- Fustian related entries
Fustian Manufacturers
* indicates also in Mancs
- *Clay Joseph Hangingroyd lane
- *Cockcroft Abraham Machpelah
- *Cook George K also wholesale clothier Market St
- Crossley and Stell Waterside
- *Dewhirst David Hangingroyd lane
- Eastwood Bros. Albert St
- Gill John Bankfoot
- *Gill William Salem mill
- *Greenwood Thomas & Co Salem mill
- Greenwood Dan Bankfoot
- *Greenwood Edward also wholesale clothier Foster mill
- *HB Fustian Manufacturing Co-Operative, Nutclough (JG mill manager)
- Hopwood & Co Foster mill
- King Mark & Son Mayroyd
- Lord & Ogden Waterside
- Lord Thomas 54 Market St
- Marshall & Crabtree Bros Mayroyd
- Moss Bros. Brunswick St
- Moss Mortimer, Son & Co Crown St
- Ogden & Co Bridgegate
- *Shackleton James & Son Machpelah
- *Shackleton Roger & Co also cord mfr Salem mill
- Stansfield Jonathan Albert St
- *Sutcliffe Richard & Co also wholesale clothier Melbourne Works
- *Sutcliffe John Croft shade
- *Sutcliffe Richard HB